Here is another fresh summery salsa recipe! The last salsa recipe I posted was a Jalapeno, Mango and Tomato Salsa with Chilli and Lime Prawns. With this recipe, instead of a raw salsa (like the previous recipe)- this salsa is a cooked one. The benefit of a cooked salsa is that you will get the nutritional benefit from the tomatoes being sauteed which allows you to have improved absorption of the Lycopene (an antioxidant). It also makes it taste delicious! Eating the capsicum bowl (which will be explained below) allows you to get some heat-sensitive nutrients as well, such as vitamin C.
Above: Jalapeno, Mango and Tomato Salsa with Chilli and Lime Prawns
Below: Lime Flavoured (Cooked) Tomato, Avocado and Capsicum Salsa
Recipe: Lime Flavoured (Cooked) Tomato, Avocado and Capsicum Salsa
Allergen info/recipe info: This recipe can be dairy free, and is gluten-free and sugar-free. It can also be made vegetarian or vegan (depending on whether or not you use butter in the recipe).
Serves: 2
- 1 red capsicum (bell pepper) (see directions below)
- 1 C. cherry tomatoes, quatered
- 1 tsp. butter or coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp. coriander seed powder
- 1 avocado, peeled, pitted and cut into chunks
- ~ 2 Tbsp. fresh coriander leaves
- a few wild olives, pitted and sliced
- salt and pepper
- extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4-1/2 fresh lime juice (depending on taste preference)
How to:
- Cut the capsicum into three so you have two ‘cup-like’ pieces and one middle ring. Remove the seeds from the capsicum. Set the two ‘cup’ pieces aside.
- Take the middle capsicum ring and chop it into small pieces. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quaters.
- In a hot pan, add the butter or coconut oil and cook the coriander powder, capsicum and cherry tomatoes until just soft. Turn the heat off.
- Stir in the cut up avoacdo, coriander leaves and the olives. Season with salt and pepper.
- Now spoon the salsa mixture into the two capscium ‘cups’ and drizzle with a bit of extra virgin olive oil and fresh lime juice.
- Enjoy!
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