Hi Health Food Lovers. Today we have a giveaway for some beautiful bath tea, from the lovely Natasha Linz from Temple Bath Tea. I met Natasha in India earlier this year. Natasha is currently studying Naturopathy (Bachelor of Health Science) and she has created her own line of Naturopathic, hand-crafted bath teas, called Temple Bath Tea.
Here’s what Natasha has to say about her hand-crafted line of herbal bath teas:
“Temple Bath Teas were created from my passion for herbs and their medicinal values. Herbal baths have been used for centuries, by cultures all around the world. The skin is the largest organ of your body and when immersed in water, the pores of the skin are open and receptive to the healing properties of herbs. The Bath Temple experience allows you to unwind your mind while nourishing your body. For most of us, showering has become another task on the to-do list. Yet, having a bath encourages 15 minutes of you time, a time for peace and introspection. I strongly believe in conscious and mindful living, which is why I have provided mantras for you to meditate upon. All products are made by hand and naturopathically formulated to support the condition indicated. There are currently 5 therapeutic teas; Nourish, Detox, Sleep, Immunity, and Soothe. Jump on over to the website at www.templebathtea.com to read all about the ingredients”.
Thanks to Natasha, today we have a giveaway. In this giveaway you have the chance to win a surprise Temple Bath Tea.
Temple Bath Tea Giveaway
What you will win:
One lucky person will win a surprise bag of Temple Bath Tea.
How to enter:
There are 6 ways to enter and each way counts as one entry. Please leave a comment with EACH way you have followed/liked/signed up/re-posted/tweeted/shared so we know which way(s) you have entered (though with Instragram we can see your entry with the #wintemplebathtea).
- Follow Temple Bath Tea on Instagram @bathtemple
- Like the Health Food Lover Facebook page by clicking here
- Sign up to receive the Health Food Newsletter by clicking here.
- Re-post the image above that is marked ‘giveaway‘ on Instagram by ‘hashtaging’ #wintemplebathtea and tag @bathtemple. (You can save the image on your phone or computer and upload it to Instagram).
- Tweet about the giveaway by tweeting:
- Share this link on your Facebook page: http://wp.me/pUqsc-21f and tag it with #wintemplebathtea
- For Instagram entries to count, your profile needs to be set to ‘public’ (otherwise we won’t be able to see your entry).
- This competition is open to Australian residents only.
- This competition will close after the 30th of June 2015.
- The winner will be generated by random.org and will be announced on the 1st of July 2015 .
- We will contact you by email.
Good luck!
UPDATE 1/7/15: GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. The winner is: TAYLA_W93 (on Instrgram).
Thanks everyone for entering!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
LOL…found it, entered and done :)
I follow on instagram.
Fingers Crossed!! I entered using FB!!
These sound amazing! Have entered through FB:)
Hi Rebecca. Unfortunately the giveaway closed on the first of July. You can of course purchase Temple Bath Tea from http://www.templebathtea.com .