Last week I talked about how to get more whole foods into your diet. This week I present to you a lovely way to get some sprouted grains into your diet in a sweet and delicious way.
I have been sprouting my grains quite often now and then drying and grinding them into flour to create a more nutritious and digestible flour. I’ve made other sprouted foods before- see Homemade Essene Bread and How To Sprout Sunflower Seeds. This is one of my new recipes that contain homemade sprouted wheat flour. I’m planning to post more information on sprouting and sprouted grain/seed etc recipes in the future (because they’re so easy to make!). I shared this recipe at Real Food Wednesday hosted this week by and it was also shared with the Pennywise Platter at The Nourishing Gourmet’s Blog.
Apple & Cinnamon Oat Cookies (with Sprouted Wheat)
- 2 T. organic butter or coconut oil
- 2 T. organic maple syrup
- 1 egg
- 1 apple, puréed
- 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
- 1 C. whole wheat sprouts, minced (doesn’t have to be finely ground)
- 1/2 tsp. Â bicarbonate soda
- 1/2 C. rolled oats
- 1/4 tsp. ground sea salt
- Grind dry sprouts until ground.
- Cream butter/coconut oil and maple syrup.
- Beat in the egg till completely mixed in.
- Mix in the apple and then the flour, bicarbonate soda and pinch of salt.
- Stir in the oats.
- Evenly dollop the mixture onto grease proof paper.
- Cook in the oven at 150 C. for 25-30 minutes until lightly browned.
- Enjoy!

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Looks delicious! I have been thinking about doing sprouted flour recipes but didn’t want to pay the large cost for pre-sprouted flour or have to wait 12 hours for something to sprout. How do you sprout and dry your own grains? Do you need to have a food dehydrator or do you have to put it in the oven for long hours to dry it?
Hi Ari.
Okay so the way I make my flour is this:
*Soak the grains overnight
*Next day put them in a fine mesh strainer/colander & rinse
*1-2 times a day run some water through the strainer
*Do this for 1-2 days (just depends on how long you want the sprouts tails)
*For this recipe I just used 1 cup of sprout flour- I didn’t actually dry the sprouts,
just blended them a bit in the blender till they were about a 1/8 of the original size and used them
like that in the recipe)
However you can dry them for other recipes that requires a proper flour- You can just dry them
in the oven if you like- it doesn’t have to be for too long, just till dry.
You can also half dry them, blend/grind the sprouts
and then put them back in the oven for a shorter time (the smaller surface area of the sprouts will decrease
the time you will have to dry them).
Or if you don’t want to do that you can put them on a baking tray with a
tea towel over them and put them in a safe spot to dry in the sun (a hot day works really well to
dry them & the tea towel is merely so the sprouts don’t blow away).
Or something else you can do If it isn’t very warm where you are just dry them with a
tea towel/paper towel and spread out on a plate and leave on the counter to completely dry
out (or near a heater if it’s on already).
Which ever way you make your flour, they just do need to be quite dry (otherwise they could rot
or go off).
So there are a few options.
Hope that’s helped a bit & thanks for stopping by & commenting :).
oh I love apples and oats and cinnamon… thank you for sharing this yummy recipe!
Hi Michelle! Is 150 degrees correct or should it be 350? I don’t think my cookies were getting done at 150, but the dough is delicious! ;)
Hey Michelle (yay for Michelles! lol).
Well for me it’s 150 degrees celsius which for you should be about 302 degrees fahrenheit (although if 350 degrees is your standard temp for cookies with ovens taht use farenheit then go for it).
But yes the dough is really nice!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Oh, that’s too funny! I did not even think about the conversion. I put my first set of cookies in the oven at 150 and waited quite a while! At first I thought maybe they were supposed to be close to raw or something :) My oven also isn’t working very well so I couldn’t tell if the temperature was right on it. Anyway, thanks for letting me know!
I love sprouted grains. I buy the Lifestyle Bakery Sprouted Grain breads and they are so yummy. I even get the sprouted grain raisin loaf and make it into bread and butter pudding. healthy and delicious.
Those breads are pretty good. I like the sound of that bread and butter pudding, yum!
I use my freshly sprouted grains that aren’t dry. My first batch following the recipe was too ‘wet’ so I’m making muffins :) I’m thinking if I use more sprouts or less apple then it will be thicker. Usually I’m making breads not desserts with my sprouts…
These look so delicious.
I always love cookies with apple and cinnamon flavor.
I can’t wait to give it a try.
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