Recipe: Feijoa and Banana Smoothie

by Michelle on May 16, 2012 · 2 comments

in Healthy Drinks,Meal

Here is another feijoa recipe for those of you who love feijoas (or who just don’t know what to do with them!). A delicious desserty feijoa and banana smoothie!

Recipe: Feijoa and Banana Smoothie


  • feijoas, peeled or flesh scooped out, whichever method you prefer
  • bananas, frozen
  • milk, any kind you like (coconut, full fat dairy milk, nut milk etc.

How to:

Add your desired amount of feijoas and bananas (e.g. a few feijoas and 1/2 frozen banana, to make ~ one serve), add roughly double the volume of milk and blend until it becomes a smoothie-like consistency! Enjoy chilled or over ice.


Health Food Lover is Michelle Robson-Garth. Michelle is a degree-qualified Naturopath (BHSc) and Massage Therapist. She is also a passionate writer, recipe-creator and all-round foodie from Melbourne, Australia. © Copyright: 2009-2012 Michelle Robson-Garth. Please ask permission first when using any text or images on Read the disclaimer here. Have a look at the recipe index for more health food lovin’ recipes. Join the Facebook page & follow Health Food Lover on twitter.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Catie @ Head Plant Health May 16, 2012 at 11:42 am

Frozen bananas rock my world!
I know you probably described in an earlier post, but what is a Feijoa and what does it taste like!? Intrigued!!


Michelle May 16, 2012 at 2:50 pm

Aren’t frozen bananas the best?! It would be good if I described how they taste in another post.. but since I didn’t, here you go: well they taste kind of tangy; kind of like guava or a bit like strawberry. And this delicious fruit has a texture a bit similar to kiwi, if kiwis were seedless. They also look quite ugly (I think) compared to similar great tasting fruit. Here is a timely post from Milkwood about feijoas:


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