Did you know that you can make pasta and noodles without any flour? It turns out you can! It’s also so easy to make this pasta and it’s without any kind of grain! All you need is root vegetables such as zucchini, daikon, parnsip or carrots! This “pasta” recipe is also a fun way to have a salad..though I like to think of it as colourful pasta!
The trick to making these noodles is using a tool such as a spiralizer (or a noodle tool like I have called The Noodle Tool). Both of these help to form noodles from the root vegetables which is pretty cool. But when in doubt you could also use a wide tooted fork.
You can buy both of these from many places online. I like the Spirooli Vegetable Slicer.
So today I’m giving you three recipes:
- The Veggie Noodle recipe
- The Basil-Garlic Pasta Sauce
- Chunky Leek, Mushroom and Almond Pasta Topping
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Vegetable Noodles/Pasta
Serves 1
You will need:
- 1/4 daikon
- 1/2 carrot
- noodler, spializer or wide-toothed fork
- Okay so how to make the noodles? Well using your noodler you basically just scrape your chosen vegetable with the noodler until it forms long (or short noodles- depending on what size noodle you like) until you use up the whole vegetable.
- Eat them raw or lightly steam them so they’re warm- but they don’t seem to keep their heat for very long, so you may want to serve quickly (or make the sauce before hand so you can eat straight away).
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Basil Garlic Pasta Sauce
Serves 1 (plus left overs)
You will need:
- 3 Tomatoes, insides scraped out
- 1 clove of garlic
- a few sprigs of basil
- a good glug of olive oil
- salt and pepper, to taste
How to:
Scrape the insides of the tomato out so you just have the skins left. Blend the tomato skins, basil, garlic, oil and salt and pepper until it forms a smooth paste. Serve with your noodles.
Note: you can keep the inside of the tomato and use that for other recipes, such as in a guacamole.
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Chunky Leek, Mushroom and Almond Pasta Topping
Serves: 1
- 1/4 leek, sliced thinly
- 1-2 mushrooms, chopped roughly
- a small handfuls of almonds, chopped
- 1 small clove of garlic, chopped
- olive oil
- salt and pepper to taste
Method (Raw Version):
Blend together to make a chunky sauce
Method (Cooked Version):
Saute till the leek is glossy and the mushrooms are tender.
I hope you enjoy these recipes!

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
what a wonderful idea, great for something a bit different to regular pasta or a salad. I think I need to get one of these noodle tools!
Yeah I really like it, it makes having a root vegetable salad a bit more fun and textural! If you want to know what noodle tool I used it was from raw food chef Ming. Thanks Satakieli!
How fun and fresh! I need a noodley maker!
Thanks Christy! It’s a really handy tool- I love it!
Delicious! I love the leek, mushroom and almond topping…
Thanks Girlichef! It was quite yummy!
Hey! Love your site! The color and design is very inviting. This is a cool idea for a low calorie pasta. It seems with Gluten free pastas, low-calorie does not seem to be an option. Plus, the long shreds gives you the option to “twirl” just like spaghetti!
Thanks for the compliments on my design, Jillian. Much appreciated! Hmm what you gluten free pasta usually be made out of? Soy, Rice flour? Yeah I love the fact that it can twirl! It’s really fun to eat!
Ah, leek + mushroom topping sounds awesome! Nice work!
Thanks GiGi :).
Hey michelle! This is such a throwback for me to the times I was raw vegan. Veggie pasta can be so filling and good. A few tips. First, a GREAT product is called the Spirulli and this is a table based spiral slicer than makes a number of different types of spirals. I have one and love it and can make a whole mess of pasta in like 3 minutes. Second. you can make the pasta seem more pasta like, especially if you are using zuccini or cuccumber by sweating it with salted water for about 1/2 hour. This draws out some of the moisture and creates a less crisp and more flexible noodle. I also love the idea of using a warm sauce on the cold noodles. Great recipes!~ :) Alex
Hey Alex.
Sorry for the late reply! How long were you a raw vegan for? I’ve gotta have a trawl through your archives!
Oh yeah I’ve heard of noodle makers like that- they sound really cool. That’s a great tip to salt the zucchini- I’ll definitely do that next tme ..and I didn’t even think about using cucumber for noodles. How does that taste? Thanks for visiting Alex!
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