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Recipe: Homemade Spiced Dandelion Chai Recipe + the Benefits of Bitters

Are you eating bitter foods? Eating bitter vegetables such as dandelion leaf and root, kale, rocket, amaranth and swiss chard can have a great digestion-enhancing effect! These bitter foods help to improve our digestion by increasing bile flow, increasing gastric acid and improving our overall digestive function which improves our nutritional status. It’s the bitter flavour […]

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80+ Ways & Recipes To Use Milk Kefir

Got milk kefir and not sure how to use it? Here are 70+ ways & recipes to use it. Here are now 80+ ways to use milk kefir! Some things you should know: What kefir ? What are fermented foods? How to make milk kefir. Storing kefir for ripening & reducing lactose Kefirpedia There are a lot […]

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All About Kefir + A Recipe for Homemade Organic Kefir with Lemon Zest & Raspberries

What Is Kefir? Kefired milk (or Kefir; said as ke-fear), is the fermented dairy* product made from adding Kefir grains** (which are also known as Kefir; see picture above which shows kefir’s cauliflower-like appearance) into milk to ferment. The Kefir grains are a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast which exist on a structure of polysaccharide, protein, amino […]

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How To Make “Instant” Coconut Ice

It’s funny the awesome things you discover by accident! This was one of those very things! I had put my young thai coconuts into our bar fridge which didn’t seem cold enough at the time so I turned the dial down…then when I took the coconuts out of the fridge and cracked the coconuts open […]

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How To Be Time Savvy For Your Health (Or Healthy Meals To Prepare In Advance)

How to be Time Savvy for Your Health (or Healthy Meals to Prepare in advance) These days, its true to say that many of us are stretched for time, but we all need our good health to do what we need to do.So how fit in healthy food? By doing simple things to prepare our […]

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Recipe: Icey Whole Watermelon Juice

Here is a ‘whole fruit juice’ that you can make in your blender!  Recipe: Icey Whole Watermelon Juice Ingredients: 1/4 watermelon cut into slices- rind kept on, but peel off the green part. water ice How to: In a blender combine the watermelon, water and ice and blend to a juice-like consistency. Serve your ‘whole fruit juice’ over extra […]

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Recipe: Slow-Cook Moroccan Pumpkin & Lentil Casserole

This is a really yummy and warming bean and vegetable bake! This picture doesn’t really do it justice. However I can tell you it was good! It is Vegan casserole because there are no animal products at all, which is great for those who don’t want to eat meat or just want to increase legumes and lentils […]

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