A delicious healthier holiday treat!
Recipe: Pastured Egg Nog
Allergen info/Recipe info: This recipe contains eggs and dairy.
- Dairy-Free: Try using coconut, macadamia or another alternative milk instead of dairy milk and the double cream.
- Egg free: You can just just skip adding the egg yolks.
Serves: ~4.
- 3 C. organic/biodynamic grass-fed dairy milk (or another milk of your choosing)
- 6 pastured egg yolks* (you can keep the raw egg whites in a zip lock bag in the freezer for other recipes or see below*)
- 1 vanilla bean or 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- coconut sugar/rapadura sugar (ground finely)/b-grade maple syrup- to taste & sweeten to your liking
- (~1/4 – 1/2 C.) dark rum
- 1/4- 1/2 C. tawny port
To serve:
- 100 ml double cream (best: organic from grass-fed cows)
- freshly grated nutmeg
- the 6 remaining egg whites, beaten to soft peaks
- 1 tbsp. rapadura sugar
- ice, to serve
How to:
In a blender or using a whisk: First blend the egg yolks, till thick and creamy. Then add the 3 C. milk, 1/2 vanilla bean (or extract), sugar, rum and then blend and until creamy. Chill in the fridge until cold. When ready to serve mix in 100 ml the double cream. Beat the egg whites till soft peaks form, add the sugar and stir in to hold the peaks. Stir this into the egg nog. Serve over ice with a sprinkle of freshly grated nutmeg.
Have warm or chilled over ice! Also you can pour this mixture into an ice cream and make eggnog ice cream!
Aging egg nog:
Egg nog can be aged to both improve the flavour and reduce possible bacterial contamination of the eggs and sterilise the mixture. This is due to the alcohol content
*Note: Pastured, not pasteurized, refers to eggs from chickens that are free with space to roam, eats bugs and plants as they wish (not bred in cages and feed lots).
For more dessert recipes have a look at the recipe index.