Welcome to Health Food Lovers’ first blog!
When I eat, I love knowing that food will nourish me and make me feel good! Many people seem to overlook this, and use food in a way that will numb pain and distract them. ie. alcohol/sugary sweets
However, food can actually be used ‘as medicine’Â in order to keep us healthy, in mind, body and spirit and it can make us feel alive as we should feel.
 Food has a big impact on us its best to know how food will actually affect us.
So that brings me to, well, to me. I am Health Food Lover (aka MichelleR). My aim in this blog is introduce healthy foods/eating and present them in a way that look appealing and interesting so maybe you might want to try them and maybe even love them!  I will also talk about other health products, talk about great health books and other subjects relating to health.
As well as being the Health Food Lover, I also study nutrition (bachelor of health sciences), so alot of what I will talk about will be from the standpoint of what I’m studying.
I hope you enjoy what I present to you.